Our Mission | Creative Arts Academy

Our Mission


Creative Arts Academy uses the power of music, theatre, and mentoring to keep at risk youth focused on a positive and productive future.


Our purpose is to present a rich array of culturally diverse performing arts in order to educate, enlighten, enrich, entertain citizens of all ages while providing leadership and support to advance cultural arts and nourish appreciation for arts in the community. We will continually reach out to the socially economically challenged children and provide an outlet for youth in the teen court system to use their volunteer hours in our after-school program. Creative Arts Academy will place equal emphasis on academics as well as performing arts. Our academic curriculum will help children in an integrated program with a student-centered environment that provides safety and enjoyment while students grow and pursue knowledge and skills.


Our theme is to educate, enlighten, enrich, and entertain diverse audiences through a rich array of performing arts.